Autors i Autores

Joan Pinyol


Joan Pinyol i Colom (Capellades, l'Anoia, 1966) is a writer. In 1984 he began an epistolary relationship with Pere Calders, who became the very incentive in his later writing process. In 1989 he obtained a university degree in Catalan Philology and from them on he has been teaching in a Secondary School. In 2008 he became a Catalan Language and Literature grammar-school teacher.

He is the usual contributor to many different written, broadcasting and audio-visual mass media, apart from taking part in different anthology books. He is the author of Balancí d'onades (1994), Avinguda Capri (1999) –a finalist for the IV Premi Pere Calders de Literatura Catalana–, Ningú ve fet a mida (2001) –a finalist for the IX Premi Ciutat d'Eivissa de Narrativa–, Noranta-nou maneres de no viure encara a la lluna (2001) –awarded the I Premi Vila d'Almassora de Narrativa–, Inquieta nit i altres contes (2003), Stòitxkov i Sofia (2003) –awarded the Premi Ciutat de Vila-real de Narrativa 2002–, Dorotea i la joia gegantina (2005), Micromèxics (2007) –awarded the Premi de Narrativa Vila de Puçol 2006–, Pilota de set (2008) –awarded the XLIII Premi Recull de Narrativa–, Fi de curs a Bucarest (2008), Glops (2009), Planeta Lluç (2012), Perquè som poble (2013), Ningú no mor (2013), Aventures i pintures. Josep Costa Solé (1913-2003) (2014), En Ventilat i l'Espantall (2014) and El mar de les ombres (2016).

He is a member of Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC, Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Bea Fernández for AELC.
Translation: Julie Wark.
Photographs: personal files of Joan Pinyol.