Autors i Autores

Dolors Miquel i Abellà


Dolors Miquel i Abellà (Lleida, 1960) is a poet.

She began writing at an early age and, in 1980, started publishing her poems in the University of Lleida magazine, La Higiènica. She also wrote Pleniluni, a finalist for the 1981 Miquel de Palol Prize, but this work was lost.

Her literary career took off in the 1990s with the publication of the prose poems Boris, Lluna i jo, winner of the Santa Perpètua de Mogoda Prize in 1994 (although the book was written in the early 1980s). At this time she also published El vent i la casa tancada (1990), winner of the Rosa Leveroni Prize for Poetry. Thenceforth, she continued publishing the collections of poems Llibre dels homes (1998), Haikús del camioner (1999), Gitana Roc (2000), Mos de gat (2002), Ver7s de la terra (2004), AIOÇ (2004), Missa pagesa (2006), El Musot (2009), La dona que mirava la tele (2010), La flor invisible (2011), El guant de plàstic rosa (2016), Heavy Mikel (2018), Ictiosaure (2019) and Sutura (2021).

She is also author of the stories Maruja Reyes soc jo (2002) and of the versions of Cap home és visible. Poesia catalana medieval (2010).

She has written some twenty books and has received some of the most prestigious poetry awards, including the Rosa Leveroni Prize, City of Barcelona Prize for Poetry, the Sant Cugat Gabriel Ferrater Memorial Award for Poetry, the Valencia Prize for Poetry, and the Ausiàs March, Serra d'Or Critics, and the Catalan Language Critics prizes.

She is a member of the Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Sara Serrano for AELC.
Documentation and photographs: Author's personal files.
Translation: Julie Wark.