Daniel Ferrer (Figueres, Alt Empordà, 1979) is a recent writer in the Catalan literary scene.
He mainly writes fiction but has also worked with the genres of poetry, essay and children's books. His literary forms offer glimpses of his Bible readings, in particular the Book of Isaiah and the Gospel of St. John, as well as the prose of Josep Pla, and the poetry of Carles Riba and Salvador Espriu.
His most notable books are La terra de Lavínia (2009) and Pàgines blanques (2015). His poems have been published in the collection Esperances (2010) while his children's books include the novel Els amics d'en Dalinet (2004) and, subsequently, Jesús, a casa, a sopar! (2014) and Samuel, escolta, que una veu et crida (2018).
As well as his own writing he has translated Biblical texts from Hebrew to Catalan and others from Greek to Catalan. Together with the philologist Joan Ferrer i Costa, he has co-authored the dictionary Hebreu bíblic-català arameu bíblic-català.
Ferrer is a member of Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (Association of Catalan Language Writers – AELC).
Documentation and texts: provided by the author.
Photographs: © author's personal files. Opening photograph: the author in the old city of Girona, March 2013.
Translated by Julie Wark.