Toni Cabré (Mataró, Barcelona, 1957). He is a playwright, an engineer and a scriptwriter. His drama production is varied, but it keeps two constant aspects: the realist one (the relationship between the man and the technological world, his complicity with the power, the doubt...) and the paradoxical one (theatre within theatre, confusion between reality and illusion, truth and lie...)
His first theatre play was Computer Love (1980). Then he published Els camaleons també paguen (Chamaleons Pay Too) –republished in 2015– and Oh, bit!. In 1989 he gave a first performance to Estrips (Tears). In 1994 the monologue La metamorfosi (The Metamorphosis), which is based in Kafka's narration, was also performed for the first time and published. He also published Treva (Truce), Overbooking, the monologue Oi? (Isn't it?), the play Històries d'amor (Love Stories), which was performed in the year 2000 in Barcelona by the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya and in Madrid by the Yacer Teatro (2002) and Máscara Laroye companies (2003), Viatge a Califòrnia (Trip to California), Navegants (Navigators), L'efecte 2000 o La peixera (The 2000 Effect or The Fish Bowl), Teoria de catàstrofes (Catastrophe Theory), Iglú (Igloo), Demà coneixeràs en Klein (Tomorrow you'll Meet Klein), L'inútil (The Useless), Les verges virtuals (Virtual Virgins), Lletra petita (Fine Print) and Silencis (Silences) –awarded the Ciutat de Manacor Jaume Vidal Alcover Prize–. He has also published the short plays Fantasies, Obra inacabada (Unfinished Piece), Rosebud Hotel, Ningú (No One) and Vladimir. As a scriptwriter, he has taken part in the team for the TV3 serial dramas Poble Nou (Pueblo Nuevo), Secrets de família (Family Secrets), Nissaga de poder (Power Stock), Laberint d'ombres (Labyrinth of Shadows), La Riera and Olor de Colònia. He has received several awards.
He is a member of AELC (Association of Catalan Language Writers).
Web page: Bea Fernández for AELC.
Documentation: Author's personal files.
Translation: Julie Wark.
Photographs: © Joan Safont.