Autors i Autores

Miquel Àngel Vidal Pons


Miquel Àngel Vidal (Binissalem, 1962) is a writer with a degree in Hispanic Philology (1986) and a PhD in Catalan Philology (2012) from the University of the Balearic Islands.

He has published the novels El batec de la fosca (2001), L'escriptora de bestsellers (2003), Encara que sents com creix la nit (2005), El jardí de les Hespèrides (2008), La mort de Marat (2016), and La ciutat de les ànimes (2016 – which he translated into Spanish as La ciudad de las almas, 2017); the short story collections, Distàncies curtes (2003), Cal·ligrafies agòniques (2004), La mesura de les coses (2005), Jardí de gel (2010), El mètode de composició (2019), Una lliura de carn (2023), and L'impacte dels meteorits (2024); the plays El conyac de Voltaire (2004), Sang aliena (2010), La nit de glòria d'AM (2011), El bosc de Birnam (2015), Equacions de dues incògnites (2016), and Tebes (2019); the compilations of articles El fill del segle (2006) and Res no és el que sembla (2008); the biography of Llorenç Moyà titled La tebior dels dies (2013); the book-length interview Antoni Vidal Ferrando. La mà de l'escriptor (2021); and the biographical volume Antoni Vidal Ferrando per Miquel Àngel Vidal, which was published by AELC in 2024. In Spanish, he published the novel Todos los mares, todas las tierras (2021), and he is also author of the critical studies Memòries literàries, Gloses d'un xafarder, and Poesia escollida de Llorenç Moyà, as well as of numerous articles and critical studies.

He writes on a regular basis for various newspapers and magazines, and his plays have been performed in several venues of Mallorca, Valencia, and Catalonia. He has won awards for fiction, theatre, and journalism, notable amongst which are the Ciutat d'Alzira Prize for Theatre (2010) and the Ciutat de Palma Prize for the Novel (2015).

He is a member of the Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Bet Ajenjo for AELC.
Documentation and photographs: Miquel Àngel Vidal.
Translation: Julie Wark.