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Lluís B. Nadal


Lluís B. Nadal (Vic, 1857 - Barcelona, 1913), a poet, fiction writer, and playwright, was a follower of the group of young poets known as l’Esbart de Vic, and especially of its founders Jacint Verdaguer and Jaume Collell.

He took part in the “Jocs Florals de Barcelona” literary competition and received several prizes. Notable among his literary work are stories and novels in rural settings, including Margaridoya (1884), Benet Roure (1887), and Los milions del farinayre (1893).

He founded La Gazeta Vigatana and worked with several other periodical publications in Vic and Barcelona besides being an editor of the annual review Revista dels Estudis Universitaris Catalans and working as a history teacher. He was a member of the literary society the Acadèmia de Bones Lletres, and also of the choral society, the Orfeó Català, of which he was secretary. A devotee of traditional and popular songs, he was a close associate of Marià Aguiló who he helped in collecting songs and stories from all around Catalonia.

He wrote several plays, including La Goja (1920). His short story and poetry collections Narracions (1915) and Poesies (1917) were published posthumously.

Web page: Francesc Viñas for AELC.
Translation: Julie Wark.