Pere Rosselló Bover (Palma, 1956) is a poet, writer, and Professor of Catalan Literature at the University of the Balearic Islands. As a poet, he has published Antología (1978, winner of the 1977 City of Manacor Prize), Aplec de distàncies (1981, winner of the 1977 City of Palma Prize), Llibre de la selva i altres poems (1983), L’hort de la lluna (1988), El temps llençat al pou (winner of the 2004 Bernat Vidal i Tomàs Prize), and Illa Crucis (2014). He has also written children’s literature with titles including Les aventures d’en Tres i mig (1989, winner of the 1988 Guillem Cifre de Colonya Prize), El fantasma del País del Vent (1992, re-issued in 2018), and Memòries d’una planta (2006). Moreover, he has published the satirical short novel, L’Infern de l’Illa (2002) in which he portrays contemporary Mallorca.
Most of his work has focused on the study of literature. He has published numerous articles, edited texts, anthologies, and studies in literary criticism, notable amongst which are the titles L’escriptura de l’home. Introducció a l’obra literària de Miquel Àngel Riera (1982), L’obra de Salvador Galmés i Sanxo (1976-1951) (1988), La literatura a Mallorca durant el franquisme (1936-1975) (1998), Contra la destrucció imparable: aproximació a l’última narrativa de Miquel Àngel Riera (2006), and Ramon Llull en la literatura contemporània (2016). In 1996, following the death of Miquel Àngel Riera, he became director of the collections “Tià de Sa Real” and “El Turó”, which had been created and previously directed by Riera. Since 1999 he has been director of two collections of complete works, Obres Completes de Miquel dels Sants Oliver and Obres Completes de Gabriel Alomar.
He is a member of the Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).
Web page: Oriol Valls for AELC.
Documentation and photographs: Author’s personal files.