Autors i Autores

Valerià Pujol


Valerià Pujol i Bosch (Premià de Dalt, 1952-1992) was a poet, fiction writer, teacher, politician, and activist, a notable figure of the 1970s Generation of Catalan writers, and active in the revival of Catalan literature. Although suffering from the effects of poliomyelitis, and despite his premature death, he is the author of an extensive body of work, which is widely recognised by critics.

He published the poetry collections El crit i la paraula (1973), Tricefàl·lia (1975, with Salvador Solé and Joan Font-Foni), Doble Fons (1977), Destinatari d’albes (1980), Limito al nord només amb el teu sexe (1981), La trista veu d’Orfeu i el tornaveu de Tàntal (1984, winner of the Carles Riba Prize for Poetry), La xarxa del númida (1986), and Els breus estius (1989).

In the area of fiction, his first novel Interruptus (1982), was awarded the 1981 Documenta Prize, and the 1983 Critics’ Prize for Catalan Fiction, after which he published the short story collections Mantis i altres transformacions (1983), Els conys saborosos (1986), and Terra de crims (1987). His last novel Palmira appeared in 1991.

He was a member of the Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (Association of Catalan Language Writers - AELC) and was spokesperson for the Principality from 1989 to 1992.

Web page: Irene Zurrón Servera for AELC.
Documentation and photographs: Pujol Vallbona family.
Translation: Julie Wark.