Carme Miquel (La Nucia, 1945 - València, 2019) was born in the Marina Baixa region. She went to live in the city of Valencia where she spent most of her life, although she also spent periods of her childhood and holidays in the Marina Alta region. Hence, these are the three geographical spaces, the founts from which she imbibed a rich traditional culture, that decisively influenced her way of life and her writing. These three regions represent a significant part of the landscapes she internalised and eventually turned into literature.
Her literary activity was complemented by her work as a teacher for more than thirty-eight years, as well as her social activism not only in the educational and teaching sphere but also in the environmental and cultural domains, and the civic sphere in general.
Carme Miquel wrote novels and worked with other genres. It is worth noting that the influence of her work as an educationalist is basically reflected in her books for children and young people, while her political and social reflections and analysis are mainly evident in her essays for young people, for example A cau d'orella (Cartes a Roser) and Murmuris i crits (Cartes a Mireia), which are dedicated to her daughters, as well as in articles she periodically published in the press.
She was a member of the Valencian Academy of the Language and of the Association of Catalan Language Writers (AELC).
Web page: Elena Ferrer Moregó for AELC.
Documentation: Author’s personal files.
Cover photograph: Author’s personal files.
Translation: Julie Wark.