Autors i Autores

Carles Grandó


Carles Grandó (Tuïr, 1889 - Perpignan, 1975) was a poet, fiction writer, playwright, grammarian, and folklorist. 

His early works were written in French, but he soon changed to the Roussillon variant of Catalan. In addition to his works in the area of dialectology, among them El català al Rosselló (1917), his interest in reviving his mother tongue is reflected in his poetry and prose writings. Notable in his poetic work is the volume Fa sol i plou (1932), in fiction, Rossellonenques (1930), and in theatre, Aqueixa mainada (1913). He also wrote a considerable number of songs as well as articles in newspapers and magazines of Northern Catalonia. Moreover, as a cultural activist, he published some works on folklore.

Recognised as a “Provençal poet” (felibre), he was a member of the Roussillon Group for Catalan Studies. The University of Perpignan is the repository of Grandó’s works.

Web page: Francesc Viñas for AELC.
Portal photograph: published in the magazine Sant Joan i Barres, n. 71, summer 1978.
Translation: Julie Wark.