A l'anglès
- Versions de poesia catalana [antologia]. Barcelona: Albertí, 1962.
- Modern Catalan Poetry [antologia]. Saint Paul: New Rivers Press, 1979. (Trad. David H. Rosenthal)
- Homage to Joan Gili on his eightieth birthday [antologia]. Sheffield: The Anglo-Catalan Society, 1987.
- When I sleep, then I see clearly. Nova York: Persea Books, 1988. (Trad. D. H. Rosenthal)
- Catalonia, a Self-Portrait [antologia]. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1992.
- Seven Catalan Poets [antologia]. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya. Institució de les Lletres Catalanes, 1992. (Trad. José Luis Gili)
- Special Issue on 20th-Century Catalan Poetry [antologia]. Amherst (Massachusetts): University of Massachusetts, 1997.
- Readings of J. V. Foix. Barcelona: The Anglo-Catalan Society-Fundació J. V. Foix- Ajuntament de Barcelona, 1998. (Trad. Arthur Terry i Marie-Claire Zimmermann)
- Daybook 1918: Early Fragments [Diari 1918]. Northwestern University Press, 1918. (Trad. Lawrence Venuti)