Autors i Autores

Bàrbara Duran Bordoy


Bàrbara Duran Bordoy (Manacor, 1963) has a PhD in Art and Musicology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. From an early age, showed a predilection for studying the arts, reading, and writing. She has advanced diplomas in Piano and Musical Theory/Sight Reading from the Valencia Conservatory, as well as a Recorder Certificate from Trinity College, London, after which she completed courses for the organ and advanced studies in ancient music, and teacher training courses at Oxford, Edinburgh, East Anglia, and Kent universities.

She started writing poetry as an adolescent, although she has mainly published essays, in which she combines writing and research. She regularly contributes articles of musical criticism for several media outlets and writes programme notes, which she sees as being short essays, for a range of musical festivals and events. She has received several awards for her work.

As a researcher, she is a member of the Institute for Catalan Studies (IEC) Group for Ethnopoetic Studies, the oral traditions group at the Society for Ethnomusicology (SIBE), and the International Council for Traditional Music, and has given lectures and published several articles and academic texts. She combines this with performance, as an accompanist pianist, and organ and recorder player. As a composer, she has also premiered some small-format works.

In 1993, she became a secondary school teacher specialising in music and, for thirteen years, has been a lecturer at the Balearic Islands Conservatory, working in the areas of Education and Musicology, and also publishing educational materials. As a result of her participation in the Comenius and Erasmus programmes, she has also taught in Germany, Sweden, Hungary, and the United Kingdom.

She is a member of the Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Sara Serrano and Toni Terrades for AELC.
Title page photograph: Joan Servera.
Documentation: Author’s personal files.