Autors i Autores

Alexandra Cuadrat Capdevila


Alexandra Cuadrat Capdevila (Alcoletge, Segrià, 1968) is a writer, scriptwriter and lawyer.

She works with different literary genres, among them anthologies, travel guides, stories, film scripts, journalistic reports and, in particular, the novel. In this genre she has published Memòria d’un crim (2016), a whodunit set in the Empordà, and La casa d’escorpí (2006), a story of mystery and action, both of which are written in Catalan. In Spanish she has published the novels Mishmash (2018), a screwball comedy, written with two other authors using the collective pen name Carrie Bridges, and Asesinato en el archive (2013), which is set in the world’s smallest sovereign state: the Sovereign Order of Malta.

In 2016, together with Annabel Encontra, she founded the publishing house Apostroph and published works in several literary genres, mainly in Catalan: novels, short story collections, literary travel guides, anthologies, poetry collections, and others.

In 2018, she took part in the Third Festival of Terror Literature, Torebesses Trembles, in which the famous Villa Diodoti was evoked with four writers being confined in a castle with the aim of writing terror stories. On this occasion, the secluded writers were Adrià Pujol Cruells, Pep Prieto, Andrea Jofre, and Alexandra Cuadrat, who wrote “L’exorcisme”, which was published in the collection Contes de terror 3 (2019).

She often writes reports for “Lectura”, the Sunday supplement of Diari Segre, mainly with historical, tourist, and mystery themes. Her articles include “El Front del Segre” (2019), “Els búnquers de la Cerdanya. L’obsessió de Franco pel Pirineu” (2018), “La Lleida literària. La petjada de Hemingway, Orwell i Saint-Exupéry” (2018), “El cementiri desconegut” (2017), “Expedients X de Ponent” (2017), and “Silenci, rodem!” (2017), among others.

She is one of the writers included in the documentary Lletres en la boira which, featuring the most outstanding writers in the area, is about the literary phenomenon in the Lleida region with regard to the crime novel genre.

She has illustrated, with watercolour in black, the collection of erotic poems Despulla’m a versos, by Neus Gili (2018).

In 2019, commissioned by the Moors and Christians Festival of Lleida Association, she wrote the satirical text for the Ambassadors, which was performed in public during the May festivities.

She works with different media outlets, including Diari Segre, “Lectura” supplement, Arts magazine, and Rosselló radio.


Web page: Carme Ros and Sara Serrano for AELC.
Documentation: Author’s personal files.
Photographs: Author’s personal files.