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Antoni Dalmases


Antoni Dalmases (Sabadell, 1953) is a writer, newspaper columnist and a secondary-school Language and Literature teacher.

After studying Hispanic Philology at university and publishing his first academic book on the writer Pere Quart (Joan Oliver), he then started to write novels for children, young people and adults. His first fictional work, a book for young people, I no parava de ploure (And It Didn't Stop Raining) appeared in 1986 and he has been steadily producing books ever since.

Notable among his titles for children and young people are La sorprenent història d'en Joan-No-Me'n-Recordo (The Surprising Story of John-What's-His-Name, 1990), El vescomte minvant (The Dwindling Viscount, 1992), Doble Joc (Double Game) and Jo, el desconegut (I the Unknown), the latter two books being winners of the Gran Angular Prize in 1992 and 2005 respectively.

Antoni Dalmases has written fewer fictional works for adults, although those that have appeared have been very well received, as is evidenced by his being awarded the Marià Vayreda d'Olot Prize in 1992 for his collection of short stories La infinitud dels parcs (The Infinitude of Parks), the 1993 Valencia October Prize for Fiction for L'última primavera (The Last Spring), and the 1998 Sant Joan de Sabadell Prize for the novel Al mig del camí (Middle of the Road).

He is a member of the Association of Catalan Language Writers (AELC).

Web page: Abel Ramon Vidal for AELC.
Photograph: Images ceded by Antoni Dalmases.