Autors i Autores

Jaume Pomar


Jaume Pomar Llambias (Palma, 1943-2013) was a poet, fiction writer and essayist.

He studied journalism in Valencia and finished his degree in Barcelona, where he also completed an Arts degree. With Guillem Frontera he founded and directed the "La Sínia" [Waterwheel] poetry collection at the publishing house Daedelus (1965 – 1968), and published there his first collection of poems: Tota la ira dels justos (All the Rage of the Just, 1967), winner of the 1966 City of Palma – Joan Alcover Prize for Poetry. In 1970 he again won the same prize with his Inútil fracàs (Useless Failure), a work that was later included in the collection Història personal (Personal History, 1979). In 1971 he published Amb la mort, amorosament (With Death, Amorously). Also noteworthy are his titles Elegies (Elegy, 1986, City of Elx Prize), Carisma del desert (Charisma of the Desert, 1987), Imatge de la por (Image of Fear, 1988, Winner of the Andorran Literary Night – Grandalla Prize), Les quatre estacions (The Four Seasons, 1991, Cavall Verd Prize), Retorn a casa (Return Home, 1992), Llavis de marbre blanc (White Marble Lips, 1993) and Frontissa (Hinge, 1993, Girona-Miquel de Palol literary prizes), and he received the Alcoi Manuel Rodríguez Martínez Prize for Poetry for his L'illa del silenci (Island of Silence, 2009). His considerable, extensive poetic oeuvre finished with Llibre de l'exili (Book of Exile, 2011) and Cants de Montalt (Songs of Montalt, 2012), winner of the Inca Pare Colom Prize.

Jaume Pomar also wrote the works of fiction Un dia o altre acabaré de legionari (Some Day or Another I'll End up a Legionnaire, 1987 Joan Santamaria Prize for Fiction) and Bolla negra (Black Ball, 2010), in addition to the autobiographical works El temps que fuig (Fleeing Time, 1997) and Temps inconjugable (Unconjugatable Tense, 2001). In his work as a literary critic and essayist he is well-known for his significant contribution as a student of the life and work of Llorenç Villalonga and, in particular, his books Primera aportació a l'epistolari de Llorenç Villalonga (First Contribution to the Epistolary of Llorenç Villalonga, 1984), Llorenç Villalonga i el seu món (Llorenç Villalonga and His World, 1998), El meu Llorenç Villalonga (My Llorenç Villalonga, 1995), La raó i el meu dret: biografia de Llorenç Villalonga (Reason and My Right: Biography of Llorenç Villalonga, 1995) and Llorenç Villalonga: cartes i articles: temps de preguerra (1914-1936) (Llorenç Villalonga: Letters and Articles from Before the War, (1914-1936), 1998).

He was an Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC, Association of Catalan Language Writers) board member for the Balearic Islands from 1989 – 1992.

Web page: Toni Terrades for AELC.
Documentation: Toni Terrades.
Photograph: © Toni Catany. From the back cover of the book Homenatge Jaume Pomar (1943-2013). Barcelona: Institució de les Lletres Catalanes, 2013.
Translation by Julie Wark.