Teresa Pàmies (Balaguer, Lleida, 1919 - Granada, 2012). She published novels, diary prose, narrative and articles. Always active in politics, from 1939 to 1971 she had been exiliated in South America, Txecoslovakia and France. Her work is an alive witness of the Spanish Civil war and the Republican's exile.
She collaborated in radio and press and also in cientific and cultural magazines, like Avui, Xarxa, El Temps, Catalunta Ràdio among others. Together with her father, he wrote Testament a Praga (1971), awarded the Josep Pla in 1970 and the Crítica Serra d'Or in 1972. She continued her production with titles such Quan érem capitans (1974), Va ploure tot el dia (1975), Memòria dels morts (1981), Cartes al fill recluta (1984), Jardí enfonsat (1995), awarded with the Institució de les Lletres Catalanes de prosa no de ficció in 1995, or Cròniques de comiat (2000), among many others. Her work has been translated into Spanish, Galician and Slovene.
She was honored with the Creu de Sant Jordi de la Generalitat de Catalunya in 1984, the Medalla d'Or al mèrit artístic de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona in 2000 and the Premi d'Honor de les Lletres Catalanes in 2001.
Page updated by Josep Miàs for AELC.
Documentation: Rosa Masanés.
Photographs: © Editorial Ara Llibres (Pòrtic).
Translated by Josep Miàs.