Autors i Autores

Carme Jurado Sayós


Carme Jurado Sayós (Vic, 1972), a teacher, writer, photographer, illustrator, and painter, has a diploma in Education from the University of Vic and works in the Ribagorçana School in Pont de Suert.

She has written poetry and fiction from an early age. Outstanding in her poetic work are the collections Les arrels del trencaclosques (1999) and Els deliris de Kronos (2000). In 2023, she published the anthology Tot allò que és absurd dir-vos. Among other books, she has published the short, humorous novel Tunísia en 4X4 (2005), the crime novel La Vida Secreta dels Trencalossos (2023) which, set in Alta Ribagorça, has some parts in Ribagorçan dialect, and also the novel for young people, Una acampada que va fer història (2024), which is inspired by her students.

She has received several literary prizes for both prose and poetry, among them, the Baix Camp Gabriel Ferrater Prize for Poetry (1998) for her poem “Kènia: l'esbós d'una petita Odissea” and the CCOO Martí i Pol Prize for Poetry in 2003 for her collection of poems De la vida i dels silencis.

She has also worked in the areas of editing, photographs, and illustrations in several textbooks for primary school children. She has been awarded prizes for her photography, which has been shown in several exhibitions.


She is a member of the Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).


Web page: Sara Serrano for AELC.
Documentation and photograph: Author’s personal files.
Translation: Julie Wark.