Autors i Autores

Maria Bonafont Giménez


Maria Bonafont i Giménez (Barcelona, 1944), a poet and rhapsodist, made her debut as a writer in 2004 with the publication of a collection of poems titled 60×60 = Vida i Poesia. This was followed by De bat a bat, la vida (2010), Aigües profundes (2014), Orígens, ressons i contrallums (2017), Versos de forja (2019), and Càntics al ritme de l'aigua (2022). Moreover, some of her poems have been included in anthologies, among them Tretze veus experimentals (2006) and Poesia a la frontera (2008). She has also prefaced collections by other authors. 

She has received the honorary title “Mestre en Gai Saber” (Savant in the Art of Poetry) on two occasions: in the Jocs Florals literary competition of Cuitat Vella (Old City) in Barcelona, and in the Jocs Florals of Calella (2023). Notable among the other literary awards she has received are the Enric Gall Award of Òmnium Cultural, Terrassa (2012), the Francesc Martí Queixalós Prize (2016), and the Montseny Prize for Poetry (2014 and 2017).

She is an honorary member of the Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Bet Ajenjo for AELC.
Documentation and photographs: Author’s personal files.
Translation: Julie Wark.