Josep Lluís Bausset (Paiporta, l'Horta, 1910 - 2012) is a political and cultural activist who stands out for his committment to the defense of the Valencian language, institutions and culture in all forms.
Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy and Chemistry, before the Spanish Civil War he participated actively in several organizations such as the Centre d'Actuació Valencianista (Center for Valencianist Intervention), the Agrupació Valencianista Republicana (Republican Valencianist Group) and the Associació Protectora de l'Ensenyança Valenciana (Association for the Protection of Valencian Education). He was also one of the founders of the Agrupació Valencianista La Senyera (The Senyera Valencianist Group) and the Agrupació Valencianista Escolar (Students Valencianist Group). In spite of the Francoist dictatorship, he continued his task: he is one of the promoters of the magazines Parlem, Vencill and L'Andana, he took part in the I Congrés d'Història del País Valencià (I Valencian Country History Conference, 1971), and was one of the founders of the Partit Socialista de l'Alcúdia (Alcúdia's Socialist Party, 1973), the Assemblea Democràtica de la Ribera (Democratic Assembly of La Ribera, 1976) and the Acció Cultural del País Valencià (Valencian Country Cultural Action – ACPV, 1979). He took part in the Congrés de Cultura Catalana (Catalan Culture Conference, 1976) and he organized several different campaigns, cultural events and conferences in order to spread the idea of homeland.
Considered for his great friend Joan Fuster as a meritorious underground figure of the Valencian Country, on his 90th anniversary, in 2000, he received numerous awards and hommages that recognized his persistent and discreet task. In 2010, on his 100th anniversary, the awards, honors and hommages increased, and confirmed his place as a living symbol of Valencianism.
He was a member of honor of the Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (Association of Catalan Language Writers – AELC).
Page by Josep Miàs i Miàs for the AELC.
Photographs: © Levante-emv, front photograph by Carlos Pla (2010).