Autors i Autores

David Vilaseca


David Vilaseca (Barcelona, 1964 – London, 2010), a philologist and writer, had a degree in Catalan Philology from the University of Barcelona (1987) and a master’s degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Indiana Bloomington (1989), after which he obtained a PhD from Queen Mary University of London (1992). After 2003 he was professor of Hispanic Studies and Literary Criticism at Royal Holloway College of the University of London. A specialist in literary theory and queer literature, he published the academic books The Apocryphal Subject: Masochism, Identification and Paranoia in Salvador Dalí´s Autobiographical Writings (1995), Hindsight and the Real: Subjectivity in Gay Hispanic Autobiography (2003), and Queer Events: Post-deconstructive Subjectivities in Spanish Writing and Film 1960s-1990s (2010).

He was also the author of a major literary project based on autobiographical material with which he constructed an epic work in the form of a diary. With L’aprenentatge de la soledat (2008), the first volume, he was awarded the Andròmida Prize in the 1997 October Awards. The second part El nen ferit, appeared posthumously. The two titles have now been brought together in a single volume, Els homes i els dies. Obra narrativa completa (2017).

Web page: Toni Terrades for AELC.
Documentation and photographs: author's family.

​​​​​​​Translation: Julie Wark.