Ramon Solsona (Barcelona, 1950) is a writer and journalist.
He worked as a High School teacher for over twenty years, and from 1992 he has professionally devoted himself to literature and journalism. He published the novels Figures de Calidoscopi (1989), Les hores detingudes (1993) –awarded the Crítica Serra d'Or, Prudenci Bertrana and Lletra d'Or prizes–, DG (1998), No tornarem mai més (1999), Línia blava (2004), L'home de la maleta (2010), awarded the Sant Jordi novel Prize, Allò que va passar a Cardós (2016) and Disset pianos (2019). He also wrote two collections of short sories, Llibreta de vacances (1991) and Cementiri de butxaca (2006). Hehas written, under the pseudonym «Lo gaiter del Besòs» the satirical poetry volumes Sach de Gemecs (1989) and Botifarra de pagès! (2013). Some of his work has been translated into French, Romanian and Spanish.
As a journalist, he regularly collaborates in the newspapers El Punt Avui and La Vanguardia, and until 2011 he commissioned the daily space "La paraula del dia" (The word of the day) in the radio programme El món a RAC1. He has also written TV series scripts.
He is an honorary member of Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana.
Webpage by Josep Miàs for AELC.
Photographs from the author's personal files.
Translated by Josep Miàs.