Autors i Autores

Carles Riba

A l'anglès

  • Poems. Oxford: The Dolphin Book, 1964. (Trad. J. L. Gili)
  • Savage Heart. Oxford: The Dolphin Book, 1993. (Trad. J. L. Gili)
  • Bierville elegies [bilingüe]. Oxford: The Dolphin Book, 1995. (Trad. J. L. Gili)

    Antologies col·lectives
  • Homage to Joan Gili on his eightieth birthday: Forty modern catalan poems [chosen and introduced by Arthur Terry; with english prose translations by Members of the Anglo-Catalan Society]. Sheffield: The Anglo-Catalan Society, 1987.
  • Seven Catalan Poets. Barcelona: Institució de les Lletres Catalanes, 1991. [Inclou les traduccions dels poemes: "Happy the Man..." i "Tannkas of the Four Seasons"]