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Ausiàs March


Ausiàs March (Gandia, end of 14th C. ? - València, 1459), member of the Valencian small nobility, is considered one of the most important Medieval poets. His 128 poems made a great contribution to the shift in 15th C towards the style and esthetics of the Renaissance. Joan Fuster wrote that his life was "more or less, the regular life of a medieval knight which, seen from too far away, and too outlined, results markedly mediocre. There are, though, his poems."

Thirteen 15th and 16th Century manuscripts have been preserved, and from his time, numerous editions of his poetry have been published. Nowadays, the editions of his poems are based on the named edició canònica, first published by Amadeu Pagès in 1912.

Ausiàs March's poetry is predominantly based on two significant themes in human life: Love and Death. In the literary treatment of both he has reached some conclusions that still now surprise the reader due to his contemporary ideas.

Page by Josep Miàs for the AELC.
Pòrtic's image by Jaume Llantà (around 1850).