Quima Jaume (Cadaqués 1934 - 1993) was a poet and essayist who lived for a long time in the Costa Brava town of Cadaqués. Her passion for the sea is reflected in her poetry, along with her love of the landscape and interest in human relations. After a first book, El temps passa a Cadaqués (Time Passes in Cadaqués), which was highly praised by some of the most prominent critics of the time, she then received the prestigious Carles Riba Prize for Poetry in 1989 for her collection Pels camins remorosos de la mar (On the Murmuring Tracks of the Sea). This encouraged her in a vocation that was late in manifesting itself in the form of publications. Her premature death prevented her from having the pleasure of seeing the publication of her Obra Completa (Complete Works, 1993), which included the unpublished, posthumous work Del temps i dels somnis (On Time and Dreams). Writers like Maria Aurèlia Capmany, Montserrat Roig, Pilar Rahola and Montserrat Vayreda have praised the particularities and the distinction of a voice that is still being heard after her death.
Her interest in the affairs of the area of her birth led her to write articles and short essays for local publications. For one of the last of such works, Anna Maria Dalí i Cadaqués (Anna Maria Dalí and Cadaqués), she received the 1991 Carles Rahola Prize for Journalism.
Web page: X. R. Trigo for AELC.
Translation: Julie Wark.
Photographs: Personal files of Rosa Ardid.