Miquel Batllori (Barcelona, 1909 – Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona, 2003). Historian and Theologian. PhD in History and Bachelor's Degree in Law, Philosophy and Theology. In 1928 he joined the Jesuit order, and in 1940 he became a priest.
His work, written in several languages, surpasses 200 titles. They are almost entirely centered on Ramon Llull and the Lulism in Europe, on Arnau de Vilanova, on Humanism and Renaissance, on the Jesuit culture during XVIII C., on the Valencian family of the Borja, and on others relevant moments of the Catalan and European culture. His essays have contributed to finding new paths of historical research.
Doctor Honoris Causa by the majority of Universities of the Catalan speaking territory, he has been awarded, amongst many other honors and awards, with the "Medalla d'Or de la Generalitat de Catalunya" (1985), the "Premi d'Honor de les Lletres Catalanes" (1990) and the "Medalla d'Honor del Parlament de Catalunya, categoria d'Or" (2001). He has also received the awards "Gran Cruz de Alfonso X el Sabio" (1984), the "Premio Nacional de Historia Española" (1988) and the "Premio Príncipe de Asturias de Ciencias Sociales" (1995).
Miquel Batllori was appointed an honorary member of the Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana.
Page updated by Josep Miàs i Miàs for the AELC.
Photographs from Editorial Tres i Quatre.