Maria Àngels Viladot was born in Barcelona on February 19, 1951. She graduated with an honours degree in Arts (specialising in Psychology) from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB –Autonomous University of Barcelona–) and with a doctorate in Psychology from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB –University of Barcelona–). She is currently a conrtibutor professor and tutor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC –Open University of Catalonia–).
She has a solid university background since, between 1977 and 1983, she was teaching in the Department of Experimental Psychology and Psychophysiology (Laboratory of Conduct) at the UAB. Then at the end of 1983, she was contracted by the Barcelona City Council, and the following year began work at the Direcció General de Política Lingüística of the Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Linguistic Policy Section in the Department of Culture of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia). Until 2016 she has been publisher at the Editorial Aresta.
In 1991 she took up a position as a teacher-consultant at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC –Open University of Catalonia–).
She is a board member of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Autonomous Government of Catalonia) Consell Social de la Llengua Catalana (Social Council for the Catalan Language) and a member of its Permanent Commission. She is also a member of the International Communication Association (no. 005989); of the Grup Català de Sociolingüística (Catalan Socio-linguistics Group); of the Col·legi de Psicòlegs de Catalunya (College of Psychologists of Catalonia) (no. 2.791), and of the Associació Col·legial d'Escriptors de Catalunya (Collegiate Association of Writers of Catalonia) (no. 1.813) .
She has written several essays, one of which, El bilingüisme a Catalunya (Bilingualism in Catalonia) (1981), was awarded the Doctor Martí i Julià Award of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans (Institute of Catalan Studies). Her other essays are, Identitat i vitalitat lingüística dels catalans (Catalan Identity and Linguistic Vitality) (1993); Estereotips socials de la dona (Social Stereotypes of Women) (1993); Preparación mental del jugador de golf (Mental Preparation for a Golfer) (1994) and Les dones en la política (Women in Policy) (2000), amongst others.
In the genre of fiction, she has written the novel, Ocell de tempesta (2001) (Storm Bird), and a book of poems, Univers paral·lel (2001) (Parallel Universe).
She is a member of AELC (Association of Catalan Language Writers).
Web page: Carme Ros for AELC.
Documentation: Personal files of the author.
Translation: Julie Wark.