Xavier Vernetta i Gallart was born in Barcelona in 1956. He is a writer, translator, Literature teacher and literary critic. He has degrees in Contemporary History and Catalan Philology from the University of Barcelona and has worked as director of the collections Petit Esparver, Esparver and Esparver jove for La Magrana publishing house. He is author of Dies de Pluja (Rainy Days) and of the collection of short stories Parlem d'amor (Let’s Speak of Love). He has published several novels for young people, notable among which are Somni de Tànger (Dream of Tangiers), Sense adreça coneguda (Address Unknown), Jocs de lluna (Moon Games) and N, de Néstor (N for Nestor). He has also written the children’s books Roberluxtina i la reunió de les bruixes (Roberluxtina and the Witches’ Coven) and Ara sí que l'he feta bona! (Now I’ve Got it Right!). In 2003, he was awarded (ex aequo) the Fundació Enciclopèdia Catalana Prize for Narrative.
He is a member of AELC (Association of Catalan Language Writers).
Web page: Carme Ros for AELC.
Documentation and Photographs: Personal files of the author.
Translation: Julie Wark.