Anna-Maria Ticoulat i Coll (1942, Maó, Menorca) is a writer.
She completed a Business Studies course in Barcelona and studies on Catalan Philology. Seh holds the titles "Madona de Justícia" (Mistress of Justice) and Balearic Islands Consul in the "Capítol Nobiliari dels Homes de Paratge del Principat de Catalunya" (Noble Chapter of Men of Lineage of the Principality of Catalonia), an entity founded by Count Borrell II in 985.
She has published several poetry books, such as Somnis realitzats (1988), Baix de les estrelles (1989), Entre raigs de la llum (1990), Roses en el teu braç (1991), Tarot d'instants (1994), Arbre de l'univers (1997), Anagrames (2002), Sal verge (2004), the last two awarded the Grandalla Prize for Poetry of Andorra; followed by Aigua Marina (2008), Malva Rosa (2014), Camí de Cavalls i rutes interiors de Menorca (2015), Calidoscopi dels sentits (2016), La finestra curiosa (2016), L'esquelet del temps (2016), Un paradís de versos per a infants (2017), Les quatre estacions màgiques (2017) and, in Spanish, translated by herself, La ventana curiosa (2018) and El esqueleto del tiempo (2018).
In 1994 she received the "Mestratge de Poesia Viva" (Master of Living Poetry) award and the "Flabiol de bronze de Cultura" (Bronze Flageolet of Culture) as a citizen of the City of Ciutadella, while in 1996 she was named "Mestressa del Noble Rim del Capítol Nobiliari de Barcelona" (Mistress of Noble Rhyme of the Noble Chapter of Barcelona) and, in 1998, she received the title of “Mestra en Gai Saber de Ciutat Vella de Barcelona" (Mistress of the Art of Poetry of the Old City of Barcelona), in 2000, "Mestra en Gai Saber de la Vila de Nules" (Mistress of the Art of Poetry of the Town of Nules (Valencia)), and in 2010 "Mestra en Gai Saber de Calella" (Mistress of the Art of Poetry of the Town of Calella). She regullarly collaborates in several newspapers, magazines and reviews from Menorca.
Anna-Maria Ticoulat is an honorary member of Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC, Association of Catalan Language Writers).
Web page: Carme Ros for AELC.
Translation: Julie Wark.
Photograph: Author's personal files.