Autors i Autores

Arthur Terry

Coberta del llibre El comte Arnau.
Coberta del llibre Readings of J.V. Foix.
Coberta del llibre Seventeenth-century Spanish Poetry.


Crítica literària o assaig

  • La poesia de Joan Maragall. Barcelona: Barcino, 1963.
  • A Literary History of Spain: Catalan Literature. Londres/Nova York: Ernest Benn/Barnes & Noble, 1972.
  • Catalan Literature. Londres/Nova York: Ernest Benn/Barnes & Noble, 1972.
  • Introducción a la lengua y la literatura catalanas [amb Joaquim Rafel. Apèndix bibliogràfic d'Albert Hauf i Enric Sullà]. Barcelona: Ariel, 1977. (2a ed., 1983)
  • Sobre poesia catalana contemporània: Riba, Foix, Espriu. Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1985.
  • Quatre poetes catalans: Ferrater, Brossa, Gimferrer, Xirau. Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1991.
  • Modern Catalan Poetry: A European Perspective. Londres: Queen Mary and Westfield College, 1991.
  • Readings of J. V. Foix: An Anthology (with English Prose Translations and Complementary Studies) [Arthur Terry (ed.) i Puri Gómez Casademont (coord.)]. Barcelona: The Anglo-Catalan Society/Fundació J.V. Foix/Ajuntament de Barcelona, 1998.
  • Tirant lo Blanc: New approaches [Arthur Terry (ed.)]. Woodbridge/Rochester: Tamesis, 1999.
  • Three Fifteenth-Century Valencian Poets. Londres: Queen Mary and Westfield College, 2000.
  • A Companion to Catalan Literature. Woodbridge/Rochester: Tamesis, 2003.
  • La idea del lenguaje en la poesía española: Crespo Sánchez Robayna y Valente. Conferencias inaugurales de la Cátedra de Poesía y Estética José Ángel Valente. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Cosmpostela, 2002.
  • Two Views of Poetry. An inaugural lecture delivered before The Queen's University of Belfast on 4 March 1964. Belfast: Queen's University, 1964.
  • An Anthology of Spanish Poetry, 1500-1700 [Arthur Terry (notes i introducció)]. 2 vol. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1965-68.
  • Antonio Machado: Campos de Castilla. Londres: Grant & Cutler Ltd., 1973.
  • Belfast Spanish and Portuguese Papers [P.S.N. Russell-Gebbett, N.G. Round i A.H. Terry (ed.)]. Belfast: Queen's University, 1979.
  • Seventeenth-century Spanish Poetry: The Power of Artifice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
  • Articles

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