Autors i Autores

Maria Victòria Secall


Maria Victòria Secall i de Fermentino, has a doctorate in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, and has also studied Philosophy and Neuropsychology (ISEP - Institute of Psychological Studies) and the University of Vic). She has taught in secondary schools, at the University of Barcelona, at the School of Social Work in Palma and at the Balearic Islands University. She has written books on speech therapy and contributed to works on psycholinguistics. She lives in Palma and is presently working in the field of psychogerontology.
Among her titles of her books for children and young people are L'estel de foc (The Star of Fire - finalist for the 2nd "Guillem Cifre de Colonya" Prize in 1983), and Hiverneus (Wintersnow – second prizewinner in the "Dona" Prize for the Short Story, Barcelona 1984, and published in the review Mirall). She was a finalist for the 3rd "Guillem Cifre de Colonya" Prize with the collection of short stories titled La capsa dels somnis (Box of Dreams).

In the genre of poetry she has published L'indesxifrable codi (The Undecipherable Code – winner of the "Rei en Jaume" Poetry Prize, 1997), Heliografia (Heliography – winner of the "Joan Llacuna, Ciutat d'Igualada" Prize for Poetry, 1998), and Obert per defunció (Open Owing to Bereavement - Palma 2006). In the domain of short stories she has published L'embolicadora (The Fusspot – second prize for the short story in the "Diario de Mallorca" awards, 1999), Lluna nova (New Moon - winner of the Ancora Prize for the Short Story, Sant Feliu de Guíxols, 2001), La nedadora (The Swimmer - second prize for the short story in the Sant Bartomeu de Montuïri awards, 2002), and Els amants del pont (The Bridge Lovers – second prize for the short story in the "Sant Sadurní d'Anoia" awards).

Her work has also appeared in jointly-authored collections of poetry, including Poetes per la llengua (Poets for the Language - Palma, 1999), 13x3 Poesia Perifèrica (13x3 Peripheral Poetry - Inca, 2006), Eròtiques i despentinades (Erotic and Tousled - València, 2006) and La Catosfera Literària 1ra Antologia de blocs en català (The Literary Catosphere. 1st Anthology of Blogs in Catalan - Valls, 2008).

She is an honorary member of the Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Carme Ros for AELC.
Documentation: Author's personal files.
Photograph: Author's personal files.