Miquel Martí Pol (Roda de Ter, Osona, 1929 - 2003). He is the most popular and most widely-read poet in Catalan language. He has also written prose and published translations.
At the age of fourteen, he started work in the office of a textile factory and continued there until 1973 when he had to leave, because of multiple sclerosis. His poetry, which is in part autobiographical, transcends the reality and circumstances of his illness and the specific moment in history to create an internal landscape which transmits serenity. Amongst his collections of poems are the following: Vint-i-set poemes en tres temps (1927), translated into English with the title, Twenty Seven Poems - Of Gold, Of Silver and Of Tin; La pell del violí (1974), Cinc esgrafiats a la mateixa paret (1975), translated into English as Five graffiti on a single wall; Llibre dels sis sentits (1974), or Quadern de vacances (1976), translated into English as Vacation Notebook. Public recognition for his work came with the publication by Llibres del Mall of three volumes of his poetic works: L'arrel i l'escorça (1975), El llarg viatge (1976) and Amb vidres a la sang (1977), along with, and above all Estimada Marta (1978). Interprets such Celdoni Fonoll, Lluís Llach, Maria Cinta or Maria del Mar Bonet have put his poetry into music. He has been translated into more than 15 languages.
His career has been largely recognized and honored, with awards such Ciutat de Barcelona (both translation and poetry awards), Creu de Sant Jordi (1983), Premi d'Honor de les Lletres Catalanes (1991), Premi Nacional de Literatura (1998) and the Gold Medal of the Generalitat de Catalunya (1999).
He was member of Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana.
Page updated by Josep Miàs for the AELC.
Documentation: Eva M. Villar.
Translation by Josep Miàs.