Autors i Autores

Ramon Dachs


Ramon Dachs (Barcelona, 1959) is a poet and documentalist-librarian.

His creative work has two main facets. First, is Euràsia/Transeurasia/Antarctide (1978-2008), a total multilingual poetic cycle, which was concluded in 2009 with a performance-journey in Antarctide which was staged as definitive poetic silence. Second, is his present post-poetic adventure which, initiated in 2005, consists of a third-person narrative autofictional trilogy with his own photos: Álbum del trasiego (2008), Álbum de la Antártida (2009), and Álbum errante (2012). He is also the author of Intermínims de navegació poètica, a completely hypertextual, tetralingual collection of poems which has been available online since 1996, and also of the interactive combinatorial poem Intertarot de Marsella, which has been accessible since 2008.

He has written for approximately fifty magazines and newspapers, given lectures in eight countries, had solo exhibitions in Spain, France, Mexico, the United States and Argentina, and worked with international plastic artists. He has been translated into several languages and, in turn, has translated works from several languages into Catalan and Spanish.

Ramon Dachs is a member of Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (Association of Catalan Language Writers – AELC).

Information and texts by the author.
Photograph: Author’s personal files.
Web page: Josep Miàs for AELC.