Agustí Alcoberro (Pals, Baix Empordà, 1958) is a lecturer in Modern History at the University of Barcelona. In his work he combines literary creation, research and popular history.
He has published a number of novels for young people and these have seen constant new editions: El secret del doctor Givert (Doctor Givert’s Secret, 1981), Una troca embolicada (A Tangled Skein, 1986), which appeared in Spanish as Morder el anzuelo in 1997, Entre dos focs (Between Two Fires, 1991), Els ulls de l´aiguamoll (The Eyes of the Marshland, 1993), Procés a Anna Boixadors (The Trial of Anna Boixadors, 1993) and Momotaro & Dolly Dolç (Momotaro & Dolly Sweet, 1997). He has also published the collection of short stories Set gates de vida (Seven Cats of Life), winner of the Lola Anglada Prize 1986. In 1988 he was awarded the Sant Jordi (Saint George) Prize for his Retrat de Carme en penombra (Portrait of Carme in Semi-darkness).
As a historian, he has edited Pere Miquel Carbonell's Cròniques d'Espanya (Chronicles of Spain – Els Nostres Clàssics, 2 vols, 1997), the collection entitled Identitat i territori. Textos geogràfics del Renaixement (Identity and Territory: Geographic Texts of the Renaissance, 2000), and has also written the biography, Miquel Batllori (2000), the historical study L'exili austriacista (1713-1747) (The Austriacist Exile, Fundació Noguera, 2 vols., 2002) and Pirates, bandolers i bruixes a la Catalunya dels segles XVI i XVII (Pirates, Bandits and Witches in Catalonia in the 16th and 17th Centuries, 2004).
He is also a consultant for the review Sàpiens and for the TV3 programme Històries de Catalunya.
He is a member of AELC (Association of Catalan Language Writers).
Web page: Carme Ros.
Documentation and Photograph: Author's personal files.
Translation: Julie Wark.