Andreu Moix (Barcelona, 1940) worked in several professions and especially with social projects for several non-profit organisations until he began his career as a physiotherapist.
His professional work in the field of health has led him to write a collection of highly popular educational and informative works on health issues and welfare.
Since 2012, using the pen name Ímac Xiom, he has published a number of books on theological and spiritual themes: Déu, aquest desconegut (2012), El més enllà, aquest desconegut (2013), La pau, aquesta desconeguda (2014), La caritat, aquesta desconeguda (2014), La Verge Maria, aquesta desconeguda (2015), Déu en les petites coses (2016), Cartes obertes (2017) and La pregària, aquesta desconeguda (2017).
Moix has been a member of Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (Association of Catalan Language Writers – AELC) since 2001.
Documentation and texts provided by the author.
Web page: Josep Miàs for AELC.
Translated by Julie Wark.